Barnmorskorna Malmö is a part of Familjehuset Nydala with BVC Gullviksborg, Öppen Förskola and Familjerådgivare in Malmö Stad.
Barnmorskorna Malmö
Nydalatorget 2
214 55 Malmö
040-97 10 10
Office Hours:
Monday to Tuesday 8.00–16.00
Thursday to Friday 8.00–16.00
We are closed on weekends and all public holidays.
Make an Appointment
Monday – Friday 9.00–10.00
Call 040-97 10 10 during our telephone reception hours:
Weekdays, 8.00–16.00 call and leave a message. Please let us know how to reach you, and we will call you back later the same day.
By email: